Welcome to the Home of the Tulsa Region Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA)

Visit the Antique Automobile Club of America Tulsa Region Facebook page for the latest information about club activities.

The Tulsa Region AACA is one of the oldest car clubs in the Tulsa area.  As the name suggests, we like antique automobiles (we also include motorbikes, motorcycles, scooters, buses, trucks, and race cars).  We are non-exclusive in our interests.   We like all makes and models, foreign and domestic.  Our only limitation is that the vehicle must be 25 years or older (That’s the age, a vehicle becomes an “Antique”).

Do I have to own an Antique car to be a member of the club?  NO!  We do not care if you own a car or many cars.  What we care about is your INTEREST  in Antique cars and their preservation.  Most of the members of the club, do own an Antique car(s), and most of them also belong to other Automobile Club(s) restricted to the make, model, or age.  We support this double membership, because the knowledge gained from  other clubs helps increase the knowledge in our club.  Links to other clubs, and automobile activities can be found in “LINKS”.

We want you to come to our meetings, participate in our tours, meets and activities.  You don’t need a perfect car.   One of our members owns this car.   She says that the old truck “just doesn’t  get the same gas mileage that it used to”.  Looking at it, it probably needs an oil change and a grease job.   Lucky, annual inspections of cars in Oklahoma were stopped several years ago.  The owner has never had the car judged at a National or Regional AACA meet (There is a judging class for original cars).

It just doesn’t matter to her.  What’s important to her is the friendship, fellowship and relationships that she has developed with the Tulsa Region AACA and its members.  SEE YOU AT A MEETING!!